Julian-Cuyamaca FPD & CSA 135 Joint-Reorganization

(RO18-09 et al.)

At its September 10, 2018 meeting, SD LAFCO conditionally approved the joint-reorganization to transfer fire protection and EMS from the Julian-Cuyamaca FPD to the County of San Diego's Fire Authority and its implementing agent, CSA 135. The approval involves the following concurrent jurisdictional changes:

  1. Disolution of Julian-Cuyamaca FPD
  2. Expansion of CSA 135's active fire & EMS latent power boundary to include affected territory

Approval by LAFCO is subject to protest proceedings. These proceedings provide landowners and registered voters the opportunity to participate in the final decision-making, and this includes the ability - subject to specified thresholds - to require an election or outright terminate the action. LAFCO has scheduled the protest hearing for Tuesday, October 16th, 2018. A formal notice is available here (protest hearing notice).

Related documents and other materials: