
Stephen Whitburn, Chair
Baron Willis, Vice Chair
Jim Desmond
Joel Anderson
Kristi Becker
Dane White
Jo MacKenzie
Harry Mathis
Brigette Browning, Alternate
David Drake, Alternate
John McCann, Alternate
Marni von Wilpert, Alternate
Nora Vargas, Alternate

commission cac302San Diego LAFCO is governed by a 13-member “Commission” comprising county, city, special district, and public members.  All Commissioners are appointed elected officials with the exception of the two public members. Commissioners serve four‐year terms and divided between “regulars” and “alternates” and must exercise their independent judgment on behalf of the interests of residents, landowners, and the public as a whole. Commissioners are subject to standard disclosure requirements and must file annual statements of economic interests. The Commission has sole authority in administering its legislative responsibilities and decisions therein are not subject to an outside appeal process. The current Commission roster follows.

Commission Roster